Log in as administrator or editor
User accounts are handled in CallGuide Answer’s administrator tool, the Settings menu choice.
To log in to the administrator tool:
- Enter the web address to your administrator interface in CallGuide Answer such as https://callguide-demo.humany.net/admin
- Supply your user name, which is your email address, and your password.
What you then see and can do depends on your assigned role.
- Administrator is the administrator that can see and do everything.
- Editor is for those who will be handling guides, i.e. questions and answers. Each individual can be given different access rights, with read
or write
privileges for the content of following functions, described in section Functions for guides – alphabetically:- Guides
- Categories
- Links
- Attribute
- Parameter
- Answer version types
- Language versions, which can be Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English and/or Finnish
- There is also a user role name Guest, whose privileges are set in the same way as for Editor. A guest has a so-called federated identity via single sign-on, meaning that he can log in to e.g. Yahoo or Windows Live, thereby authenticating himself for the administrator view in CallGuide Answer as well.
Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB